Naweza Child Support Initiative

"Naweza raises awareness in the community about disability and advocates for change at different levels"

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March 10, 2023, 1:06 am


Credit: Shuchita Dua

5 ways to deal with children with special needs?

Somebody has put it rightly, “The mind of a child is fragile. Their emotions touch their future. Your behaviour shapes their destiny.” While every child needs love, encouragement, and support, kids with developmental disabilities need these positive reinforcements even more. It can guarantee that they emerge stronger with a determination to keep moving ahead in life, even when the times get tough and the path rougher.

Undoubtedly, it’s not at all an easy job to parent a kid with developmental issues. The majority of these children are not treated as they ought to be, regardless of the measure of warmth they show consequently.


Here are five ways that will come in handy to start parenting your special child in the right and effective manner.

1. An optimistic attitude

Having an optimistic approach while handling such unique kids is important. That’s because it can let you deal with stress and negative situations in a much healthier way. Understand that you are not alone in facing obstacles. 

As a parent, it’s up to you to show your kid how to manage those impediments without getting discouraged or overwhelmed. Don’t let anything distract you from what’s really important i.e., providing the child with more than just emotional and moral support. Embrace your role as a proactive parent. 

It may be baffling at times, but remaining optimistic and calm can have a significant impact on your child. The kids usually learn and adapt what they see, hence they follow the parent’s lead. So, if you approach all the challenges with positivity, hard work, and patience, the kid is likely to embrace your perspective. Consider the challenges as a mere speed breaker, rather than a roadblock.


2. Attention to detail

Always make note of your kid’s requirements and try to explore a specific pattern. This will assist you with getting pre-prepared. Children with developmental issues cannot usually do everything their peers can, which is completely fine. Be gentle and make them understand that they shouldn’t feel bad about being the way they are.

Ensure that they know that they are truly “special”. Give them the luxury of time to make transitions. In case they aren’t able to do what they’re told, assume that they may be facing inconvenience; simply ask if they need help. You can even try communicating through drawings. It’s important for parents to understand their child’s every little need.


3. Educate yourself

It’s very important to properly understand your child’s development disorder or any other of his specific requirements, so that s/he functions conveniently and lives happily. Try to read as much as you can. Go through expert-driven write-ups, join webinars, workshops et al. Do your own research and stay informed. You may be enticed to seek help from others, be it teachers, therapists, or child psychologists, but remember that nobody knows your child better than you. You’re the foremost expert on your kid. So, take charge!


4. Regular developmental assistance

Many times, a large number of parents overlook it! However, note that a periodic evaluation gives insights into a kid’s developmental process. Try to observe your child in various surroundings. Make note of little things such as how s/he reacts to different situations. Learn how s/he interacts with people in your community. It’s a great marker of social skills. Record every one of your findings and note significant discoveries. If the observations and your child’s reactions show slow or no advancement at all, don’t spare a moment to meet the experts.


5. Expert guidance

Parenting kids with unique needs can be exhausting. When you meet professionals, they will guide as well and train you through all of your child’s needs. After all, their end goal is always to improve the lives of children with special needs and in a way empower parents with resources, training, and ongoing mentoring. 

They understand that being a parent of such kids is much more than a walk in the park; every aspect of nurturing is amplified. Experts provide fresh perspectives on particular subject matters that can avoid possible setbacks.

In a nutshell

Value what your child possesses rather than focusing on their struggles. These kids come with their own treasures and it is those that we should be grateful for. Your role as a parent is not to “fix” the disability, but to give your child every kind of support they need to beat the difficulties.

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