Naweza Child Support Initiative

"Naweza raises awareness in the community about disability and advocates for change at different levels"

About Us

Shadia's Resilience: A Journey of Hope and the Request for Help

Shadia Nabukenya's story is a testament to resilience, as she has faced immense challenges in her young life. At the age of two, she fell gravely ill, and at 14, her life took another unexpected turn with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. She currently faces mobility issues and is unable to walk, but her grandmother, Namalaa Safiina, has become her unwavering source of support and love.

A Life-Altering Sickness:
Shadia's journey began at a tender age of two years and two months when she fell seriously ill. The illness left her with lasting physical challenges, hindering her ability to walk. Despite this, Shadia's spirit remained unbroken, and she faced each day with resilience.

The Impact of COVID-19:
In 2020, when Shadia was 14, the world grappled with the COVID-19 pandemic. Unfortunately, the pandemic had a profound impact on her life. Her inability to walk and the uncertainty of the times made it challenging for her to access education or essential services.

The Unwavering Love of Namalaa Safiina:
Shadia is fortunate to have her grandmother, Namalaa Safiina, by her side. Namalaa's love and dedication to her granddaughter are unwavering. She has been the pillar of strength and support in Shadia's life.

The Plea for Help:
Currently, Shadia has a wheelchair, but her family is facing immense challenges, including providing for her education and ensuring her well-being. Shadia's grandmother, Namalaa Safiina, kindly reaches out to the wider community for assistance in securing the necessary resources and support that will enable Shadia to access education and lead a fulfilling life.

How You Can Help: Educational Support: Shadia's dream is to return to school and continue her education. Financial assistance or access to educational resources would be invaluable.
Healthcare Assistance: Access to proper medical care and rehabilitation services can significantly improve Shadia's quality of life.
Mobility Support: Assistive devices and mobility aids can enhance Shadia's independence and quality of life.
Emotional Support: Words of encouragement, messages of hope, and emotional support can brighten Shadia's days and help her stay motivated.

A Message of Hope:
Shadia's journey is a message of hope, resilience, and the power of love in the face of adversity. Her story serves as a reminder that, when a community comes together, lives can be transformed.

Shadia and her grandmother, Namalaa Safiina, appeal for help and support from people who believe in the potential of every child, regardless of their circumstances. Together, we can offer Shadia the opportunities and resources she needs to confidently say, "Naweza" – "I can."

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