Naweza Child Support Initiative

"Naweza raises awareness in the community about disability and advocates for change at different levels"

About Us

Nantongo Habiba's Heart-Wrenching Journey: A Mother's Plea for Support

Nantongo Habiba's story is a poignant tale of a mother's love, resilience, and the heartbreaking challenges she has faced in caring for her daughter, Rehma. Born under difficult circumstances, Rehma has faced health issues from the very beginning, leading to a life filled with uncertainties. Habiba, a loving and dedicated mother, now finds herself in a desperate situation, in need of support for the basic necessities of life.

A Challenging Beginning:
Rehma's journey began with a heartbreaking start. She was born without the usual cries of a newborn and struggled to take breast milk. Despite the medical team's efforts to help her, her condition did not improve.

Unanswered Questions:
Habiba and her baby spent months in the hospital, where doctors tirelessly attempted to identify and address Rehma's health issues. Unfortunately, despite their efforts, they were never able to provide a clear diagnosis or solution. The lack of answers added to the family's burden.

A Father's Abandonment:
The already overwhelming situation took a devastating turn when Rehma's father chose to abandon them, disappearing from their lives entirely. This left Habiba and her daughter to navigate life's challenges on their own.

A Cry for Help:
Habiba's current situation is dire. She lacks stable employment and is struggling to provide the basic necessities for herself and her daughter. As she shared her story, her tears revealed the immense weight she carries.

How You Can Help:
Habiba's plea for assistance is simple but critical. She seeks support to purchase essential food items, such as sugar, bread, and other provisions, to ensure that she and Rehma have the sustenance they need to get by.

A Call for Compassion:
Nantongo Habiba's story is a poignant reminder of the challenges that many families face in the face of adversity. It is a call to our shared humanity and the power of compassion.

If you are moved by Habiba's story and wish to offer support, your assistance can make an immediate and significant difference in the lives of a mother and her child who are in desperate need. Together, we can provide hope and relief to those who need it most.

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